You probably wouldn't expect that an album called My Maudlin Career (read: foolishly emotional) would be the one that'll be played out of rolled down car windows across the country this summer. Or maybe you would, in which case I say way to go. You are a seer of the future.
That's the name of the new one just dropped by indie-pop-boppers Camera Obscura, and it's the bands best record to date. Which is saying a lot — 2006's Let's Get Out of this Country had more catchy-cute songs than a Jonas Brothers record that didn't suck.
Nonetheless, on My Maudlin Career, the Scottish band has sharpened everything about its sound. The harmonies are Beach Boys sunshine, the guitar lines are perfectly catchy and non-obtrusive, cutting in just as Tracyanne Campbell's gorgeously heartbreaking melodies step aside. Is it twee pop? Maybe, but in the least annoying way possible.
Take the first single, "French Navy." The percussion and bass parts are straight out of a 1960's chamber pop tune that was probably about holding hands and those strings are like a part Grizzly Bear wrote for a cartoon. Weird. Lovely. Really, really fantastic.
Here's the clip:
The happiest thing you heard all day, right? I know!
My Maudlin Career is full of gems like that one, and it just dropped this week. You're $9.99 couldn't be better spent.