Of all the bands out there, Cursive are among the least likely to be in it to make a buck.
Tim Kasher is the type of performer and lyricist that, especially when you see him perform live (check below for recent video), exudes the type of desperation that screams sincerity. As in, had he not the stage as an outlet to unleash the emotional hurricane that flows through his veins everyday, he damn well might explode.
That said, Cursive's done and pulled a Radiohead with its newest album, Mama I'm Swollen.
Well, not exactly.
While Radiohead gave fans the option of paying whatever they wanted for last year's In Rainbows, Cursive are a bit trickier. Starting today, you can buy the album for near nothing - a single dollar. For each day until the album's actual release, March 10, the price will increase by a dollar — meaning it'll then cost a still reasonable 10 bucks. They're actually pressing fans to pay less by, well, being good fans and grabbing the record as soon as possible.
Not only has the band stirred up a veritable shit ton of curiosity about the new record, but now Kasher and Company have gone and successfully created a buzz that'll push possible buyers to pick up the record as soon as possible. God forbid you download it tomorrow and pay two dollars. The ploy is a bit silly, sure, but it got me.
I made sure to download Swollen well before midnight. And having listened to it through no less than three times so far, I suggest you do the same.
This record is vintage Cursive: thrashy, screaming, intense and hard to swallow. Exactly as it should be.
If you're still not sold, check out "From the Hips," one of the records shiniest gems:
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